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  • A platform offering simulation and emulation capabilities
  • A simulation core that drives the simulation scenario populated with simulated devices and emulated (Hardware In the Loop) devices as well
  • On the periphery of the network are physical IoT devices interfaced through a specific gateway and simulated IoT device at the same time
Network Diagram: IOT-Attack-Emulation: Network Diagram


  1. Red represents attack traffic from a penetrated video camera
  2. Green represents normal traffic to the server in the emulation domain
  3. A machine learning system gets data from the simulator through a virtual interface of the router simulation model.
  4. The tower indicates a wireless data connectivity through LTE etc

NetSim Emulator Working:

  • The 'entire network (real + virtual)’ was created in NetSim. And then a mapping of real devices to equivalent simulated devices in NetSim was done through the NetSim UI
  • The balance virtual devices, in the simulation domain, will be purely virtual. This is the way real traffic will 'interact' with 'virtual' traffic inside NetSim, undergo network effects (delay, loss, error etc) and then head out from NetSim again into the real world.
  • A pcap capture was logged from the 'virtual router' in NetSim.
  • The ML system analysed the logged pcap files and suggested suitable configuration changes
Equivalent Network setup Equivalent Network setup
Equivalent Network setup of the Simulation domain in NetSim Equivalent Network setup of the Simulation domain in NetSim
Packet Flow animation in NetSim Simulator: Equivalent Network setup